INSEE Ecocycle Lanka (Private) Limited

Sustainable Waste Management Solutions

Sustainable Waste Management Solutions

Sustainable Waste Management Solutions

At INSEE Ecocycle, we consider the ‘Waste Management Hierarchy’ as an inherent policy – a creed in providing a sustainable solution for industrial waste in Sri Lanka.

The waste management hierarchy is a systematic ranking of how waste is handled. This ranking ranges from the ‘ideal world’ situation of avoiding and minimizing waste at the top of the scale, to the ‘worst case scenario’, a total lack of control at the bottom.

Over the last two decades, INSEE Ecocycle has paved the path for sustainable waste management in Sri Lanka through its circular economy-based solution of cement kiln co-processing. Gradually establishing the “polluter pays” concept within the local industries, Ecocycle has expanded its co-processing capabilities to successfully manage a wide range of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste.

Leading the transformation towards a Circular Economy

Many world business leaders, policy makers, academics and NGOs argue that moving towards a ‘Circular Economy’ is necessary to help solve global environmental and economic challenges. This directly links to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 – sustainable production and consumption.

In the local context, solving the national waste issues in Sri Lanka and the transition from a linear to a circular economy is an absolute must requiring a joint effort by stakeholders from all sectors. INSEE Ecocycle, as a responsible corporate citizen, collaborates with partners including government authorities, industries and communities to transform the economy to a sustainable green economy.


Resource Recovery Based Waste Management Solutions

Under our current expansion phase of moving into Resource Recovery Based Waste Management Solutions beyond the existing cement kiln co-processing solution, the company will make a greater contribution to the national waste management effort by promoting the use of waste from one industry as raw materials to another.


Ecocycle contribution to Circular Economy

Natural Resources Preservation
We use 40 % renewable energy from waste, replacing 40% coal energy(fossil fuel) in Cement production.

Industrial Symbiosis
Working collectively with more than 1000 partners across different sectors including government institutions, industries , companies and recyclers to make Sri Lanka greener.

Close the loop of material recycling/recovery
We promote resource recovery and circulation, acting as a producer responsible organization connecting waste generators and recyclers through our resource recovery facility.

Reduce waste footprint
1,000,000 tons of waste has been eliminated from the environment which could have been ended up in landfill.

Avoid Landfilling
We avoid landfilling, offering a sustainable waste management solution for mainly hazardous and nonrecyclable waste materials.


Get in touch with us.

Find out how we can help your organization achieve corporate sustainability.
