INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited together with Chula Zero Waste from Chulalongkorn University arranged the Zero Waste workshop for Krungsri or Bank of Ayudhya PCL., supporting Krungsri Zero Waste Project which aims to reduce general waste as much as possible to divert waste from the landfill.
The refuse-derived fuel (RDF) drop-off points will be installed at Krungsri head office Rama 3 and Ploenchit office to collect non-recyclable waste and send to INSEE Ecocycle for producing RDF, a solid recovered fuel that can be used as a substitute for conventional fossil fuel.
To prepare for RDF drop-off points project, Krungsri hosted the training for all office maids which are a key person to help monitor and segregate waste before sending to INSEE Ecocycle platform. In the training session, attendees will learn the impact from waste problems, identify waste that can produce as RDF and separate RDF waste from general waste.
This zero-waste approach seeks to maximize waste values and reduce the amount that ends up in landfills.