INSEE Ecocycle Company Limited

INSEE Ecocycle wins Green World Awards 2019


​INSEE Ecocycle received bronze at 2019 Green World Awards for Energy Management for MSW-RDF Project. The awards presentation ceremony was held on September 30, 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam today.

INSEE Ecocycle ‘s MSW-RDF Project was created to remove plastic from Thailand’s landfills and obtain RDF to be co-processed in cement kilns. Despite the fact municipal solid waste is at the bottom of the list of waste types the cement industry would want to receive and manage, INSEE Ecocycle sees value in it from both an environmental and societal impact. The MSW-RDF Project shows it is possible to get this plastic waste out of landfills and dumpsites. Doing this reduces the leakage of plastics getting washed into streams, rivers and finally our oceans while also proving to be a source of RDF.