Soil and Groundwater Remediation

Soil and Groundwater Remediation


Soil and Groundwater Remediation

We have skilled personnel that use our laboratory equipment to analyze soil and groundwater quality.



Consultation Services on
Remediation Methods

We can recommend remediation techniques for soil and groundwater that is highly contaminated with hazardous substances.


Remediation methods

In-situ or On-site
Remediation Services

In-situ soil treatment is done without excavating by using conventional or innovative processes for treating all types of pollutants, from hydrocarbons to perchlorates.

After excavation, the soil is treated on-site by different methods:

- Biological treatment using biopile method

- Soil washing

- Thermal desorption

- Stabilization / Solidification


Ex-situ or Off-site
Remediation Services

A complete service is provided with soil excavation and aims to:

- Identify the excavated soils by mesh treatment and analysis,

- Provide temporary storage if required,

- Identify the best soil elimination and acceptance system,

- Manage and optimize transport logistics,

- Provide complete traceability of excavated soils.


Remediation methods

On 26 October 2016, the Ministerial Regulation Re: Control on Contamination of Soil and Ground Water in Factory Areas B.E. 2559 (A.D. 2016) (“the Ministerial Regulation”) became effective. The purpose of this Ministerial Regulation is to provide personnel safety and preservation of the environment. This Ministerial Regulation applies and enforces factory business operators as specified in the annex to this Ministerial Regulation. A business operator is required to examine soil and ground water and control the level of contamination in soil and ground water. The soil and ground water contamination must not be higher than the standard level as stipulated by the Minister


How to get started?

We have a team of skilled experts ready to answer your questions and help you get exactly what you need.
