INSEE Cement | Sri Lanka’s Leading & Only Fully Integrated Cement Manufacturer srilanka

Responsibly and Sustainably Serving the Interests of Our Stakeholders

Good corporate governance is encouraged and reflected across every level of the organisation. As a subsidiary of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited, INSEE Cement Sri Lanka abides by the Group Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Business Conduct alongside other governing policies of Sri Lanka, further strengthening our commitment to the highest standards of business integrity in all our transactions.

Our Code of Business Conduct

The Code of Business Conduct is a guide for all employees, management and any person who represents or performs work on behalf of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited and its Group companies (INSEE Group). It outlines how you are expected to act when working for and on behalf of INSEE Group. This Code is a reference document which will help you understand how to behave when confronted with challenging situations at work. Our Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is implemented in line with local laws and regulations. When there is a difference between local legal requirements and the Code, we will always apply the higher standard.

We have developed the Code to ensure a secure and sustainable future for INSEE Group, its employees and all its stakeholders. First, it ensures that all employees are aware of the legal and regulatory requirements the Group operates under. It details INSEE Group policies and the behaviour required to comply with the laws and regulations in each country of operation. Second, it highlights the personal responsibility that everyone must take to ensure the Code is followed, and also emphasises the importance of personal integrity at work, in business practice and in society as a whole. The Code is a tool to ensure that the INSEE Group observes all laws and regulations. However, the crucial importance of an employee’s personal commitment to ‘doing what is right’ is the ultimate key to success.

Non -Compliance

INSEE Cement adopts a zero-tolerance policy for bribery, corruption and other forms of non-compliance at any operational level It strongly encourages employees to speak up, question and report violations of the Code of Business Conduct. Employees have been introduced to variety of tools that can actively contribute to preventing incidents of non-compliance, along with clear direction on the actions that need to be taken. INSEE Cement is governed by the following policies and guidelines:

Whistleblowing Policy

This Whistleblowing Policy was established to provide a mechanism to voice or report concerns of wrongdoing related to the business, operations, transactions or activities of Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (“the Company” or “SCCC”) and its Subsidiaries directly and indirectly held (collectively called the “Group”).

The whistleblower can report wrongdoing or concerns about potential violations of the law, Code of Business Conduct or Company policy. We encourage the early reporting of matters of serious concern which may affect the professional and compliant operation of the company’s businesses and reputation. These i include but are not limited to the following:

a) a criminal offence; for example, fraud, bribery, conflict of interest;
b) a failure to comply with any legal, regulatory obligations, and the Code of Business Conduct;
c) concealment of any of the above
d) retaliation actions against any staff member arising from investigations or other whistleblowing processes.

Any complaints related to products and services of the Group shall not be accepted in the whistleblower system but shall be raised to other appropriate channels or directly with the concerned business unit.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (“the Company” or “SCCC”) and its Subsidiaries directly and indirectly held (collectively called the “Group”) commit to be a good corporate citizen and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy was established to set up a guidance on how the Group recognises and deals with bribery and corruption. Personnel at all levels of the Group must comply with this Policy and its documents as follows.

Data Protection Policy

Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (the “Company” or “SCCC”) and its Subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) established the Policy to implement appropriate technical and organisational protection measures in accordance with local laws and regulations, to protect Important Data and Personal Data from accidental, unauthorised, and unlawful loss, damage, destruction, accession, disclosure, Processing and Transfer.

The Policy applies to all employees, officers, management, directors, and any person who represents or performs any relevant action on behalf of the Group. The scope of the Policy specifies the minimum standards and requirements to appropriately implement data safeguard management for the protection of all Important Data and Personal Data, whether in physical, electronic or any other format, to ensure compliance with applicable laws and the Group’s business requirements.

Conflict of Interest Guidelines

Siam City Cement Public Company Limited (“the Company” or “SCCC”) and its Subsidiaries directly and indirectly held (collectively called the “Group”) promotes integrity and transparency in conducting its business, as these are fundamental in meeting its stakeholders’ expectation and building trust with customers, business partners and the public. This Policy was established to provide a standard of conduct to ensure that all personnel act in the best interests of the Company and the Group. A conflict of interest arises when the personnel has a personal relationship or financial or other interest that could interfere with his/her obligation, or when they use their position with the Company for personal gain. The Company requires that personnel disclose all potential conflicts of interest and then they promptly takes action to eliminate the conflict.