Siam City Cement (Vietnam) Limited vietnam



INSEE Ecocycle organized WASTE2GIFT Program – Exchange waste to receive gifts to celebrate The Environment Month

Celebrating Environment Month 2023, INSEE Ecocycle Vietnam organized the Waste2Gift program – an exchange of waste for receiving gifts at the main office and 5 sites. With the key message of "WASTE IN RIGHT PLACE - TREAT IT RIGHT WAY," INSEE Ecocycle aims to raise awareness of environmental protection, encourage responsible waste management, and contribute to waste management with Co-Processing Technology in the Kiln.

The program will be held at the INSEE main office from June 19 to June 23, 2023, and at 5 sites (Cat Lai site, Thi Vai site, Hiep Phuoc site, Nhon Trach site, and Nhon Trach site, Hon Chong plant) from June 15 to July 15, 2023, every Thursday. Through the program, INSEE Ecocycle wishes to promote people to protect the environment not only by disposing of "waste in the right place" but also by understanding how to sort waste and being aware of different types of waste that should be treated with professional and optimal methods, contributing to minimizing emissions to the environment.

With a simple way to participate, meaningful messages, and attractive gifts, the Waste2Gift program has received a lot of enthusiastic support from colleagues, contractors, and employees working at the plant, company in E-town Central, and REE Tower from the very first days. With nearly 3,000 interests, 1420 giveaways, more than 200 check-ins, and hashtags, the amount of waste collected includes more than 190 kg of plastic bottles and 217 kg of batteries. In addition, the program is also honored to receive many invitations to cooperate with other organizations to spread positive messages during Environment Month.

Through this program, INSEE Ecocycle wishes to be a companion to support waste management, especially waste that is difficult to recycle by using Co-processing technology in accordance with professional processes to reduce environmental emissions.

INSEE Ecocycle hopes that Waste2Gift will be a meaningful activity to help raise people's awareness of environmental protection and the importance of "TREATING IT THE RIGHT WAY." The enthusiastic participation and contributions of everyone will be a great motivation for INSEE Ecocycle to continue carrying out meaningful programs and constantly making efforts to convey positive messages and call to action to protect the environment in the future.