Create safe work environments and promote employee’s health & wellbeing. Ensure equal opportunities and offer learning and career development within the workplace.
Develop leadership capabilities in supervisors to be more attentive to subordinates
Promote engagement and two-way communications within the organization
Develop a safety culture in the workplace and build awareness about the environmental impact of our business
Conduct employee engagement survey to regularly listen to employees’ opinions
Calling for around 6,100 volunteer hours from INSEE Vietnam’s employees, contributing to the corporate social responsibility programs
Build and enhance long-term relationships with customers
Arrange regular meetings and customer visits, both physically and virtually
Develop communication channels, online sales, and support system to increase speed, convenience, and effectiveness in meeting the customer’s needs
Provide customer training and knowledge sharing
Constantly conduct surveys to listen to customers’ opinions for continuous improvement
Implement CSR-in-process to prevent or minimize operational impact on the communities, including creating projects to continuously support the communities’ sustainable development, the so-called CSR-after-process.
Regularly conduct surveys of communities’ opinions
Regularly conduct Social Impact Assessments to evaluate the CSR strategy
Develop communication channels, both official and unofficial
Promote the community’s engagement and joint management on some important projects
Create a fund for community and environment development, as well as community advisory panels
Goods & Service Suppliers
Promote good collaboration and mutual support to create business opportunities and mutual growth.
Announce, promote, and implement the Code of Conduct for all employees and suppliers
Announce, promote, and implement the “INSEE Speak Up” channel for all employees and suppliers
Announce and implement the Sustainable Procurement Policy and Guidelines
Arrange meetings with suppliers to promote good communication and training programs on various topics
Carry out business operations with good corporate governance while building sustainable progress for the organization.
Organize the Annual Shareholders Meeting
Regularly communicate and arrange field visits, and participations in CSR and environmental projects
Government Agencies & Independent Organizations
Strictly adhere to the laws and ensure good cooperation with the government sector. Seek opportunities for joint activities and projects that are beneficial to society and the nation
Study the legal implications and control all aspects of the business to ensure legal compliance
Participate in meetings, seminars, and forums with government agencies, as well as support official exhibitions and seminars
Support and participate in projects for society and the nation as organized by the government sectors.
Promote a good understanding of the company’s operations, including policies and major projects, so that the media is able to communicate them accurately to our stakeholders and the general public.
Regularly provide the media with information, operational facts and figures, and the progress of major projects
Regularly arrange opportunities for the media to meet senior management and participate in sustainable development activities