High Quality Concentrated Mixed Cement
INSEE Super is a new concentrated mixed cement formula that is more solid and workable.
The new INSEE Super has been tested and evaluated by professional contractors. It offers the same quality as the general 50 kg. mixed cement with greater efficiency.
INSEE Super is high quality concentrated mixedcement which produced to conform to the Thai Industrial Standard of mixed cement: TIS 80-2566. INSEE Super is suitable for general bricklaying and plastering work such as small concrete pile, concrete fence, concrete pavement, concrete tile, drain, pipes and etc.
To make concrete, there are four basics materials you need; INSEE Super, sand, aggregate (stones) and water. Use the following mix proportions for each typeof structures;
INSEE Super : 1
Sand : 2
Rock : 4
Water : 1
INSEE Super : 1
Sand : 3
Rock : -
Water : 1
INSEE Super : 1
Sand : 2.5
Rock : -
Water : 1
INSEE Super : 1
Sand : 3
Rock : -
Water : 1
Physical Qualifications | TIS. 80-2566 | INSEE Super |
1. Blaine Air Permeability
> 320
2. Setting Time (Vicat Method)
Initial (minutes)
Final (minutes)
> 45
3. Mortar Compressive Strength
1 day (MPa)
3 days (MPa)
7 days (MPa)
> 6.9
> 11.8