As the reality of climate change becomes increasingly apparent, we are all conscious that humanity is currently consuming resources at a rate beyond the level our planet can sustain in the long-term. Although cement and concrete are, to date, among the lowest carbon-intensive building materials per unit of strength and per unit of cost, the concrete industry must play its part in continuously reducing the carbon intensity of the built environment.
Therefore, maintaining the balance between productions and caring for the environment is our important mission statement. Toward that end of creating confidence in our management of the environment, Siam City Cement Public Company Limited has adopted the ISO14001: Environmental Management System as the organization’s guideline in the management of the environment.
Inspired by the promise of a more sustainable and prosperous future for all, SCCC Group has devised the Sustainability Ambition 2030, in which Thailand Cement Business has shared the same ambition. However, we develop our ambitious targets based on business operations in Thailand, in alignment with all business units across the Group, to ensure that as a Group, we can really make positive impacts to the environment.